
glVertexArrayAttribBinding: man4/glVertexAttribBinding.xml

glVertexAttribBinding and glVertexArrayAttribBinding establishes an association between the generic vertex attribute of a vertex array object whose index is given by attribindex, and a vertex buffer binding whose index is given by bindingindex. For glVertexAttribBinding, the vertex array object affected is that currently bound. For glVertexArrayAttribBinding, vaobj is the name of the vertex array object. attribindex must be less than the value of GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS and bindingindex must be less than the value of GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIB_BINDINGS.

fn_glVertexAttribBinding glVertexAttribBinding;

See Also

glBindVertexBuffer, glVertexAttribFormat, glVertexBindingDivisor, glVertexAttribPointer.
