glPopDebugGroup, glObjectLabel, glObjectPtrLabel.
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glPushDebugGroup: man4/glPushDebugGroup.xml
glPushDebugGroup pushes a debug group described by the string message into the command stream. The value of id specifies the ID of messages generated. The parameter length contains the number of characters in message. If length is negative, it is implied that message contains a null terminated string. The message has the specified source and id, the type GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PUSH_GROUP, and severity GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_NOTIFICATION. The GL will put a new debug group on top of the debug group stack which inherits the control of the volume of debug output of the debug group previously residing on the top of the debug group stack. Because debug groups are strictly hierarchical, any additional control of the debug output volume will only apply within the active debug group and the debug groups pushed on top of the active debug group.