glPushDebugGroup, glPopDebugGroup, glObjectPtrLabel.
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glObjectLabel: man4/glObjectLabel.xml
glObjectLabel labels the object identified by name within the namespace given by identifier. identifier must be one of GL_BUFFER, GL_SHADER, GL_PROGRAM, GL_VERTEX_ARRAY, GL_QUERY, GL_PROGRAM_PIPELINE, GL_TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK, GL_SAMPLER, GL_TEXTURE, GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_FRAMEBUFFER, to indicate the namespace containing the names of buffers, shaders, programs, vertex array objects, query objects, program pipelines, transform feedback objects, samplers, textures, renderbuffers and frame buffers, respectively. label is the address of a string that will be used to label an object. length contains the number of characters in label. If length is negative, it is implied that label contains a null-terminated string. If label is null, any debug label is effectively removed from the object.