
glShaderBinary: man4/glShaderBinary.xml

glShaderBinary loads pre-compiled shader binary code into the count shader objects whose handles are given in shaders. binary points to length bytes of binary shader code stored in client memory. binaryFormat specifies the format of the pre-compiled code. The binary image contained in binary will be decoded according to the extension specification defining the specified binaryFormat token. OpenGL does not define any specific binary formats, but it does provide a mechanism to obtain token vaues for such formats provided by such extensions. Depending on the types of the shader objects in shaders, glShaderBinary will individually load binary vertex or fragment shaders, or load an executable binary that contains an optimized pair of vertex and fragment shaders stored in the same binary.

fn_glShaderBinary glShaderBinary;

See Also

glGetProgram, glGetProgramBinary, glProgramBinary
