
glGetProgramPipeline: man4/glGetProgramPipeline.xml

glGetProgramPipelineiv retrieves the value of a property of the program pipeline object pipeline. pname specifies the name of the parameter whose value to retrieve. The value of the parameter is written to the variable whose address is given by params. If pname is GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM, the name of the active program object of the program pipeline object is returned in params. If pname is GL_VERTEX_SHADER, the name of the current program object for the vertex shader type of the program pipeline object is returned in params. If pname is GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER, the name of the current program object for the tessellation control shader type of the program pipeline object is returned in params. If pname is GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER, the name of the current program object for the tessellation evaluation shader type of the program pipeline object is returned in params. If pname is GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER, the name of the current program object for the geometry shader type of the program pipeline object is returned in params. If pname is GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER, the name of the current program object for the fragment shader type of the program pipeline object is returned in params. If pname is GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH, the length of the info log, including the null terminator, is returned in params. If there is no info log, zero is returned.

fn_glGetProgramPipelineiv glGetProgramPipelineiv;

See Also

glGenProgramPipelines, glBindProgramPipeline, glDeleteProgramPipelines
