
glLight: man2/glLight.xml

glLight sets the values of individual light source parameters. light names the light and is a symbolic name of the form GL_LIGHT i, where i ranges from 0 to the value of GL_MAX_LIGHTS - 1. pname specifies one of ten light source parameters, again by symbolic name. params is either a single value or a pointer to an array that contains the new values. To enable and disable lighting calculation, call glEnable and glDisable with argument GL_LIGHTING. Lighting is initially disabled. When it is enabled, light sources that are enabled contribute to the lighting calculation. Light source i is enabled and disabled using glEnable and glDisable with argument GL_LIGHT i. The ten light parameters are as follows:

It is always the case that GL_LIGHT i = GL_LIGHT0 + i.

fn_glLighti glLighti;

See Also

glColorMaterial, glLightModel, glMaterial
